Internet of Things Based Blockchain Technology for Gas Station


The protection of information sent over the Internet has become very important because of the possibility of being hacked and leaking important or confidential information. Therefore, many studies have been conducted in the field of information security and many ways have emerged to protect the information, but blockchain technology is the most prominent technology currently due to its high potential in maintaining the study was conducted on the most important blockchain algorithms, namely the Proof of Authority (POA) algorithm and the Proof of Work (POW) algorithm. The study aimed now at the best and most reliable algorithm to protect the parameters sent via the Internet of Things technology. The POA algorithm is the first candidate to win the advantage in theory, but After applying the study and verifying the actual results, it was confirmed that the POA algorithm is superior and highly capable of protecting information, in addition to speed in executing calculations, less memory consumption, less execution time, fewer Nonce to obtain the correct hash, and many other advantages, and the obtained result was the PoA algorithm is significantly faster with a difference of 46/s to create the blockchain, and it also requires less memory than the PoW algorithm, with a difference of 1024KB.

Blockchain (B.C) algorithms will be applied to the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to obtain IoT technology that is completely encrypted from hacking and information cannot be tampered with. The transmission within the network, whether it is a local or global network. The new technology will be applied to a gas station information transmission system to generate electric power. The aim of this paper are to make the smart grid of the gas station more secure and private.

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