Encryption is regarded as essential within the safety measures used to protect data via unsafe transport methods. Elliptic Curve encryption (ECC), one of the several asymmetric encryption algorithms currently in use, has become popular because of its high level of security and small key sizes. In contrast to Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA), for instance, ECC can keep security levels at a certain level with a smaller key. The primary purpose of ECC is elliptic curve point multiply (ECPM), which also has the largest hardware cost. Numerous hardware applications have been made to accelerate the calculus of the ECPM. This paper discusses the idea behind the cryptography of elliptic curves (ECC's) and the benefits it quicker, moreover believed way of encoding as compared to the RSA public_key encryption techniques that are currently used as standards. ECC's specifications encompass all relevant asymmetry cryptography elements, including electronic signatures & key negotiation processes. The scalar multiplication Key Point (K.P) function, which is the fundamental operation of ECCs, is utilized to accomplish this objective. Where P is a value and k represents an integer and is exists on an elliptic curve. This article explains how ECC contributes to system safety and applications of it in the field of security

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